Tuesday 31 May 2011

do yourself a favour

Last week I went to see the movie "Soul Surfer," about surfer Bethany Hamilton who had her arm bitten off by a shark while surfing. This movie is the most inspirational film I have ever seen made even more incredible by the fact that it is based on a true story!
As a surfer myself, I have long had an interest in Bethany's story and her subsiquent triumphs over her tragedy. But this movie is about more than surfing (although the wave shots are too gorgeous to miss), its a story about courage and determination.
And the footage of the real Bethany during the credits just makes it sink in even more how amazing this young woman really is.

Do yourself a favour go and see Soul Surfer! X


The Movie Poster 

 The amazing book by Bethany Hamilton that inspired the movie

Some shots of the film

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